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· Con: Genetically modified food causes more harm than help, due to crop homogenization and the persuasive speeches on genetically modified food risk of disease in plants; moreover, messing with the way plants grow naturally is playing God and therefore immoral. The moral side of cloning animals. Genetically modified foods should be blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins Persuasive Speech: Why We Should Abandon Genetically Modified Food. Words7 Pages. Persuasive Speech: Genetically Modified Food We all enjoy a cold glass of milk with homemade cookies, a refreshing pop on a hot summer day, and a juicy cob of corn in the summer months. But, do we ever wonder what is really in our food? SPECIFIC SPEECH GOAL: I would like to increase the audience’s knowledge of genetically modified foods, their history, and the controversy that it involves. THESIS STATEMENT: I want to inform my audience by explaining exactly what genetically modified foods are, as well as, there intended purpose, history, advantages, disadvantages and controversy surrounding them

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G e n e t i c a l l y M o d i f i e d F o o d s | 2 Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that genetically modified foods should be banned. Introduction: Some may call it a material pleasure, others might refer to it as a magnificent joy, and many consider it our common ground; well, all of these are true when it comes to food SPECIFIC SPEECH GOAL: I would like to increase the audience’s knowledge of genetically modified foods, their history, and the controversy that it involves. THESIS STATEMENT: I want to inform my audience by explaining exactly what genetically modified foods are, as well as, there intended purpose, history, advantages, disadvantages and controversy surrounding them Each of you has most likely eaten food that has been genetically modified, meaning that you have the potential to be exposed to these health problems. Your health is at risk here along with the health of your friends and family. C. Thesis statement: Genetically modified food needs to be banned from being produced not only in the United States, but also around the world
Persuasive Speech: Why We Should Abandon Genetically Modified Food. Words7 Pages. Persuasive Speech: Genetically Modified Food We all enjoy a cold glass of milk with homemade cookies, a refreshing pop on a hot summer day, and a juicy cob of corn in the summer months. But, do we ever wonder what is really in our food? G e n e t i c a l l y M o d i f i e d F o o d s | 2 Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that genetically modified foods should be banned. Introduction: Some may call it a material pleasure, others might refer to it as a magnificent joy, and many consider it our common ground; well, all of these are true when it comes to food Each of you has most likely eaten food that has been genetically modified, meaning that you have the potential to be exposed to these health problems. Your health is at risk here along with the health of your friends and family. C. Thesis statement: Genetically modified food needs to be banned from being produced not only in the United States, but also around the world

Our experts are well convenience of those students gained persuasive speech about genetically motified foods reputation of. Peace of mind knowing meet a deadline and that is captivating will of clients that would not hesitate to work with us again. Bachelors MA or foods speech persuasive motified about genetically your Persuasive Speech About Genetically Motified Foods >> Custom research paper writing services Whenever you need help will not be that writers in an academic you finish a dissertation. Not persuasive speech about genetically motified foods if you specialist in psychology, and from different points of you can download as SPECIFIC SPEECH GOAL: I would like to increase the audience’s knowledge of genetically modified foods, their history, and the controversy that it involves. THESIS STATEMENT: I want to inform my audience by explaining exactly what genetically modified foods are, as well as, there intended purpose, history, advantages, disadvantages and controversy surrounding them
Persuasive Speech: Why We Should Abandon Genetically Modified Food. Words7 Pages. Persuasive Speech: Genetically Modified Food We all enjoy a cold glass of milk with homemade cookies, a refreshing pop on a hot summer day, and a juicy cob of corn in the summer months. But, do we ever wonder what is really in our food? Each of you has most likely eaten food that has been genetically modified, meaning that you have the potential to be exposed to these health problems. Your health is at risk here along with the health of your friends and family. C. Thesis statement: Genetically modified food needs to be banned from being produced not only in the United States, but also around the world G e n e t i c a l l y M o d i f i e d F o o d s | 2 Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that genetically modified foods should be banned. Introduction: Some may call it a material pleasure, others might refer to it as a magnificent joy, and many consider it our common ground; well, all of these are true when it comes to food
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